#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <math.h>#include <sys/mman.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <unistd.h>#include "SDL2/SDL.h"#include "SDL_test_common.h"#if defined(__IPHONEOS__) || defined(__ANDROID__)#define HAVE_OPENGLES#endif#include "SDL_opengles.h"SDLTest_CommonState *state;SDL_Event *event;static SDL_GLContext *context;struct mouse_handle {int x = 1;int y = 1;} mouse;struct Vertex {float x, y, z;};struct Normal {float nx, ny, nz;};static GLubyte color[8][4] = {{255, 0, 0, 0}};std::vector<Vertex> vertices;std::vector<Normal> normals;// Function to load OBJ filevoid loadObj(const char *fname, std::vector<Vertex>& vertices, std::vector<Normal>& normals) {int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY);if (fd == -1) {perror("open");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}off_t fileSize = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);if (fileSize == -1) {perror("lseek");close(fd);exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}void *map = mmap(NULL, fileSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);if (map == MAP_FAILED) {perror("mmap");close(fd);exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}close(fd);const char *data = (const char *)map;const char *end = data + fileSize;while (data < end) {if (strncmp(data, "v ", 2) == 0) {data += 2; // Skip "v "float x, y, z;if (sscanf(data, "%f %f %f", &x, &y, &z) == 3) {vertices.push_back({x, y, z});}} else if (strncmp(data, "vn ", 3) == 0) {data += 3; // Skip "vn "float nx, ny, nz;if (sscanf(data, "%f %f %f", &nx, &ny, &nz) == 3) {normals.push_back({nx, ny, nz});}}// Move to the next linewhile (data < end && *data != '\n') {++data;}++data; // Skip newline}if (munmap(map, fileSize) == -1) {perror("munmap");}}// Function to set perspectivevoid setPerspective(float fov, float aspect, float znear, float zfar) {float ymax = znear * tanf(fov * M_PI / 360.0f);float ymin = -ymax;float xmin = ymin * aspect;float xmax = ymax * aspect;glFrustumf(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, znear, zfar);}// Rendering functionvoid renderScene() {glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);// Projection matrixglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);glLoadIdentity();setPerspective(80.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);// Modelview matrixglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);glLoadIdentity();glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f);glRotatef(mouse.x % 360, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);// Lighting settingsglEnable(GL_LIGHTING);glEnable(GL_LIGHT0);GLfloat light_position[] = {0.2f, 1.0f, 10.0f, 1.0f};glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_position);GLfloat mat_specular[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};GLfloat mat_shininess[] = {50.0f};glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, mat_specular);glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, mat_shininess);glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Vertex), (void*)vertices.data());glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, sizeof(Normal), (void*)normals.data());// Draw arraysglDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, vertices.size());// Draw arrays// Disable client statesglDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);// Swap the window bufferSDL_GL_SwapWindow(state->windows[0]);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {SDL_DisplayMode mode;state = SDLTest_CommonCreateState(argv, SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING);SDLTest_CommonInit(state);SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 1);bool sdlmainloop = true;bool running = true;loadObj("/sdcard/RubixCube.obj", vertices,normals); // Wczytanie pliku OBJ na poczÄ…tkuSDL_GL_CreateContext(*state->windows);while (running) {SDL_Event event;while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) {running = false;}if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) {mouse.x = event.motion.x;mouse.y = event.motion.y;}//// Render the scenerenderScene();// SDL_GL_SwapWindow(*state->windows);}}// CleanupSDL_GL_DeleteContext(context);SDLTest_CommonQuit(state);return 0;}
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Monday, 2 September 2024
Normalny C4droid SDL2 openGl load obj RubixCube
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